Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Weekly fishing report to September 11/2007.

Water conditions are low but many fish coming in daily. Lots of Coho every day with the chance of Chinook and Summer Steelhead. Chinooks should start showing in bigger numbers as this is the week when we see traditionally the numbers increasing. Fish are bright chrome with sea lice on most as an indication of fish not holding too long out in the ocean. Give us a call to book your trip as some dates are open for early October. 1-250-723-0136. ( Pictures posted for September are typical fish that were caught in the last week) Take care and Tight Lines!

A careful eye running through the shallows.

Dad and Brandon celebrate his first Steelhead. (14.6lbs)

A nice Spring early in the day.

Peter takes a break to hold up his catch.

Looks like this one didn't get away.

Doug holding a real prize fish.

A dream catch on the river.

Tony and Lance with a limit of Stamp Chrome

Clayton catches a chromer

Brandon slays a beauty

September on the Stamp