Monday, January 5, 2009

Fishing Report for January 5 2009.

Happy New Year and all the best for 2009.

The fish seem to be trickling in still and with little pressure in the lower river makes for some okay days. With the upper river from the Ash confluence to Central Lake outlet now closed, the pressure will be way down for the upper river as well.

Winter fish are throughout the whole system now and we will be venturing with some early trips into the upper river. We had some great hookups in the last couple days with most of the fish landed had sea lice on them as a sure sign of fish just entering the river.

Lower jet or perhaps a trip in the upper river over 8 miles of real rugged wilderness. Whatever your interests are for a great trip, we can accomodate. Give us a call to plan a trip. Till then tight lines. 1-250-723-0136 or 1-250-720-5449