Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fishing report for October 25 2009.

Truly an amazing start to the Steelhead year. The summer runs are aggressive as usual this time of year and in prime shape. With all the Chinook spawning there is plenty of food rolling on the bottom. Quite often we can see the steelies nosing in the gravel grabbing single eggs.

For some of the best action possibly of the year for steelhead now is the time to plan a trip. Some days still available for November so you won't want to miss out. We are booking days for Winter Steelhead as well starting in December. These fish will start entering in Late November and will come in till next may.

The Hatchery has over 300 steelhead in holding right now and after they are finished with the spawning of coho the fish will be trucked down to the lower river by the Ministry of Environment so there is more opportunity to catch summer runs in the lower river. Give us a call for best dates available. 1-250-723-0136 or 1-250-720-5449. We can be reached by e-mail as well at Looking forward to fishing with you. Nick Hnennyj.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Fishing Report for October 2, 2009

Lots of coho. The river has seen over 35000 through Stamp Falls counters to date and as of October 2nd the limits go from 2 to 4 either hatchery or wild. Great opportunities are here for some great fall fishing. Due to lower numbers of chinook it is now non-retention for them. We are still permitted to fish bait from the bucket down and will help to entice the numbers of coho along with steelhead.

It has been an excellent fall fishing season and will continue till we turn the corner to key in on summer steelhead. We currently have the boats in the lower somass-stamp and will be moving a boat to the upper stamp very shortly. You won't want to miss out on the fantastic scenery and fishing that will be happening throughout the month. We also will be doing trips to the Nitinat starting October 15th when it is open for coho. If you haven't planned a trip or are thinking about it don't hesitate to call. We can be reached by e-mail or phone and will return calls after 4:00 pm daily. ( 1-250-723-0136 or 1-250-720-5449. Nick Hnennyj (owner/operator) West Coast River Charters.